To Blog or not to Blog? That is the question. I am no Shakespearean, and I've not been a blog follower. I don't even know what the purpose is for blogging, but it's what has been on my heart for quite sometime to pursue.
Do I really want others reading this. Knowing the deeper parts of my life's experience? Is this a safe place to open up my heart? Why am I doing this? The answer to these questions come from peace in the deepest part of my being, a place that can never be exposed to anything that could harm me. This place I've learned to trust for direction and comfort. When everything inside directs a pursuit of something even at the risk of ridicule or attack, there is a delay. An inevitable battle inside to come to an agreement. I've had to come to a place of surrender where I can function in Grace, from Grace, through Grace.
I believe writing this blog will be a part of my healing. I've been through a process of demolition in my physical body, followed by continuing restoration. Through this period of time I've experienced a transformation in my mind and spirit. A realization that I am much more than a physical being. When you lose your ability to perform or do anything, all that remains is humility. Now I'm at a crossroad. I could either remain crippled in weakness and inability, or take a leap of faith stepping back into the world, becoming vulnerable once again. There is this pause, a moment of choice... Do I remain in brokenness and retreat once again in isolation, or do I step back out in this world where there is far too much expectation to perform or strive for perfection? Honestly this hesitation creates a bit of fear. In my winter season of rest I found it very comforting to be released from the bondage in this slavery of strife. If I step out, will I fall back into my doubt? My doubt is rooted in fear. Fear that I would never mount up to anything, never be good enough, and not acceptable. But I realize that my life is not purposed in doing. Living from Grace, being present to the moment, no more striving or worrying about tomorrow, no more dwelling on the past... This is that deeper place which has a wide open space of FREEDOM, where peace always remains. This is where I choose to remain... In this space of possibilities where I can flow and function with more strength, and endurance with a solid mind. I realize this world will attempt to draw me from this peace, but my hope is to be an encouragement for others to find it for themselves. Placing myself on a stand to let the greater light shine. If you know me, you know that this is not my character. I'm not one that seeks attention, or putting myself out there. But this isn't for me, it's for the one who has opened my heart, broke down the walls around me, and set me free so that the light within me could shine for His Glory.
This river of life and peace that flows through me, I pray flows through the tips of my fingers as I enter into the new journey of blogging. Whoever reads, my hope is for it to inspire you to seek this greater peace, for there is a tremendous overflowing joy that permeates your entire being when you find it.
Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
You are such a fabulous writer, and I have no doubts you'll grow to love this experience/community. I'm so happy I can follow you!